- 出版社: 中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司; 第1版 (2009年9月1日)
- 丛书名: 中译经典文库
- 平装: 283页
- 语种: 简体中文, 英语
- 开本: 32
- ISBN: 9787500122685
- 条形码: 9787500122685
- 商品尺寸: 20.8 x 14.4 x 2.2 cm
- 商品重量: 358 g
- 品牌: 中译出版社有限公司
Chinese civilization is the only civilization in the world that has been developing continuously for 5,000 years and is as dynamic as it has ever been. The books in this series have been carefully selected from a vast number of Chinese classics that were enormously influ- ential throughout history, and have received considerable attention from Western readers. Since these books are fundamental to the understanding of traditional Chinese culture, both the Chinese texts and the corre- sponding English translations are provided so that the highest current standards of academic research can be maintained. This allows both Chinese and foreign people to read original ancient Chinese books and capture the essence of Chinese civilization.
作者:(明朝)汤显祖 译者:许渊冲 许明
第一出 标目
第二出 言怀
第三出 训女
第四出 腐叹
第五出 延师
第一出 怅眺
第二出 闺塾
第三出 肃苑
第四出 惊梦
第一出 慈戒
第二出 寻梦
第三出 诀谒
第四出 写真
第一出 诘病
第二出 诊祟
第三出 闹殇
第四出 冥判
第一出 拾画
第二出 玩真
第三出 魂游
第四出 幽媾
第五出 欢挠
Chen: A girl student should get up at cock's crow, wash her face, rinse her mouth, brush her teeth, comb her hair and pay respect to her parents. When the sun is up, she shall attend to her work. Now your work is to study, so you must get up early.
Belle: I will not be late any more. Fragrant: And I will not go to bed tonight but wait at midnight for you to teach us.
Chen: Have you gone over the verse I taught you yesterday?
Belle: Yes, I have. Will you please explain it today?
Chen: Read the text first.
Belie: By riverside are cooing A pair of turtledoves. A good young man is wooing A fair maiden he loves.
Chen: Now listen please. Turtledove is a bird which represents love and cooing its love call. Fragrant: How will it call? (Chen imitates the cooing and Fragrant echoes with a funny sound.)
Chen: The turtledove is a gentle bird living by the riverside. Fragrant: Oh, I understand. I remember it happened yesterday or the day before, this year or last year, that a turtledove kept in the cage was set free by our young mistress and it flew to the river and sighed.
Chen: Nonsense! A pair of turtledoves is evocative. It will make us think of a pair of lovers.
Fragrant: A pair of what?
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