Paperback: 11 pages
Publisher: Sinolingua (Jan. 2015)
ISBN-10: 7513809070
ISBN-13: 978-7513809078
The Sinolingua Reading Tree series is a compilation of graded storybooks and is tailored for kindergarten aged children, primary and secondary school students as well as bilingual learners in international schools. The starter level is intended for kindergarten aged children and focuses on games, object identification and habit development without the requirement of vocabulary study, aiming at heightening children's interest in learning. The Reader's Guide is also offered as supplementary material for teachers and parents to instruct their children how to read. As the authors of this series are all experienced teachers, they have taken the difficult points students may encounter and the areas where students' interest may be stimulated into full consideration during the compilation process. In this series, the vocabulary becomes more and more difficult with every level. Each of the stories is engaging and illustrated with vivid images to facilitate readers' understanding and interest.
Victor Siye Bao(鲍思冶),从事对外汉语教学工作多年,先后在新西兰、中国大陆及香港、越南等地学校工作。出版过《我的中文小故事》《我的科学小故事》《中文游戏大本营》和《为师有道》等图书,除了从事教学工作,作为IGCSE和IB考官及workshop leader。热衷对外汉语教师培训工作并且深受同行欢迎。目前,在新加坡一所著名的国际学校任教。
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