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Graded Chinese Reader 1 (2000 Words):Selected Abridged Chinese Contemporary Short Stories with MP3

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SKU: 9787802003743


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汉语分级阅读1 (2000词)(附MP3光盘)


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Paperback: 239 pages
Publisher: Sinolingua; Bilingual edition (1 Jan. 2007)
Language: Chinese
ISBN-10: 7802003741
ISBN-13: 9787802003743

Graded Chinese Readers are simplified books designed for students of Chinese as a foreign language. The main purpose of Graded Chinese Readers is to help students improve their reading comprehension. Graded Chinese Readers can be useful both inside and outside the classroom. The vocabulary of Graded Chinese Reader 1 is limited to about 2000 Chinese words. This is based on the 1033 Chinese words defined as basic vocabulary in the Level A of the Chinese Proficiency Test, together with some words from the Level B of HSK basic vocabulary.

本书精心选编中国当代作家的中短篇小说,反映中国当代普通人生活;全书汉语词汇量控制在2000个,参照《中国汉语水平考试(HSK)大纲》中的甲级词1033个和部分乙级词;多用常用词,且常用词复现率高,句子力求简短,结构完整;全文标注拼音,难懂词、句子加英文旁注,附中文例句;每篇故事有英文“阅读指导”、“作者简介”和中文“思考题”;配有插图和 mp3格式光盘。