Paperback: 257 pages
Publisher: Sinolingua; Bilingual edition (1 Jan. 2007)
Language: Chinese
ISBN-10: 780200375X
ISBN-13: 978-7802003750
This book is an abridged version of short stories and novellas written by contemporary Chinese writers, reflecting everyday life of ordinary Chinese people. The book contains around 3000 Chinese words based on the 1033 words of Level A and 2018 words of Level B listed in the HSK (The Chinese Proficiency Test) outline. The book focuses on concise and short sentences with complete structure, and commonly used words in high frequency. Pinyin is added to the full text, English notes or sample sentences for difficult words and sentences are provided. 'Guide to Reading' and 'About the Author' in English and 'Questions' in Chinese follow each story. With original illustrations for each story and narration included with CD (mp3).
“汉语分级阅读”所选的故事都是中国当代作家的中短篇小说,有些是获奖作品。所选作品重点突出了作品的可读性和语言的实用性。 本书的词汇量限制在3000个词左右,所用词汇主要参照《中国汉语水平考试(HSK)大纲》中的甲级词1033个和乙级词2018个。本书对故事中的一些难词、关键词、需要注解的词和句子都给出注解,对一些常用词给出了例句,以便学生更好地理解生词。注释都是以单篇故事为主,以便学生选读某一篇故事而不受其他故事注释的影响。故事正文均采用单字注音方式配拼音,使学生尽可能地通过读音联想词义和查阅词典。
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